Numb Chucks Wiki

Minor or Recurring Characters in this series,Numb Chucks.


Recurring Characters[]

She is the toaster Fungus fell in love with in the episode A Toast to Love .
He is Fungus's teddy bear.
He appaerance 3 times in this series.He is dentist.
He is a poor and homeless kid helping Dillweed and Fungus.
An initially unnamed TV reporter in Season 1 was revealed to be named Dawn Dingledash in Season 2.
He appaerance in Enter the Sheep and 3 times in this series.
He first appaerance in Legend of Snacky Chan.
He appaerance and speaking in Enter the Sheep.

Minor Characters[]

He is the foe of Woodchuck Morris. When Dilweed heard the noise coming from Hooves's house, he saw him.
He is robot,first character who dies in entire series.
He is a bear with a soft voice as shown in Attack of Hammerfist Man.
She is a cow that Hooves had a crush on in high school.
They help Buford Butternut for correcting himself.

See List of Main/Supporting Characters here.