His Life[]
Cory Doran (born February 7, 1982) is a Canadian voice actor and director who is known as the voice of Jimmy, the star of the animated. He replaces Lou Attia as the voice of Fungus Chuck in Season 2 of Numb Chucks. Jimmy Two-Shoes. He also voices the character Mike in the series Total Drama.[1]
- Jimmy Two-Shoes - Jimmy
- Rocket Monkeys - Flowers
- Pearlie - Stearling
- Stoked - Andrew "Bummer" Baumer, No Pants Lance and Captain Ron
- Total Drama - Mike/Mike's Alternate Personalities
- Wild Kratts - Dabio
- Gotta Catch Santa Claus (2008) - Trevor Taylor II
- Numb Chucks (2015) Fungus
- George of the Jungle (2015) - George, Tookie Tookie
- Skatoony - Mike/Mike's Alternate Personalities and Jimmy
- BeyWheelz - Tom
- BeyWarriors: BeyRaiderz - Domani