Numb Chucks Wiki
Breaking Badge
U r no 1
Season 1, Episode 10
Vital statistics
Air date March 11,2014
Written by Unknown
Directed by Unknown
Episode guide
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Les Fancy Chucks The Wind Beneath My Wig


Fungus finds an official Woodchuck Morris #1 badge in his cereal, and he believe he is now 'number one'.


The chucks find the Woodchuck Morris #1 badge in their cereal, and proclaim themselves as the #1. After a while, the wind takes the #1 badge, and wherever it lands, the chucks assume that it's #1. The badge travels a lot of distance, even landing on Hooves' butt, Quills and a rock. The chucks assume the rock is #1 and wait for it to say anything, going so far as to wait until the world ends.


Minor Characters[]



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  • The title is an obvious reference to the TV series, The Breaking Bad.